I did it again! 😄

Yessss! I’ve been running faster these days! 6:46 min/km this morning. It was sooo cold at 8 something a.m. but definitely worth it. It feels […]

I did it! 😄

Finally! My pace went down to 6:57 min/km! It’s been a few months since I last ran faster than 7+ min/km. Haven’t been able to […]

Almost there! 💪🏻

These stats aren’t from today but from last Friday, January 26. I went down to 7:01 min/km! My best pace is 6:27 but haven’t got […]

My running stats

Time to talk a bit about my running habits 😄 Been running since April 29 2023, so yeah, only a few months. I’d say my […]